Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Vitra Design Museum Re-envision

The possibility of re-envision for the Vitra Design Museum would incorporate a glazed ceiling. I find the unique design and complicated figure of the Vitra Design Museum to be extremely daunting therefore incorporating some kind of additional external views could be liberating. This concept also contributes to the additional source of natural internal lighting which is essential in a museum.

For architecture to be completely processed and appreciated does not only rely on the first physical appearance of the building. It relies on two aspects, the in depth concepts and purposes of the buildings function and the buildings surroundings. I found for the Vitra Design Museum a dessert environment consisting of Baron white sand would be the most effect to reflect on these concepts. There would be some what of an illusion of where the buildings white walls stop and the ground starts. The lack of other objects could also enhance and exaggerate the Vitra Design Museums intense figures. Finally the quality of dessert sunlight would be exceptional for natural lighting of the museum.

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